I was reading a blog page from ‘Holy Experience’ this morning one of the lines on the page leapt out at me ‘How do you remember how to dance ?, Anne says You’ve gotta dance a bit, laugh loud longer than a bit, throw back your head and feel alive, and it doesn’t matter if there are bills stacked like mountain of impossible you’ve got to live right through to the end or you invite the end to come now”.
I have had to changed the title of my blog to ‘Nan’s Blog ‘ its not the ‘Grey Hair Granny’ any more, wish I could come up with something catchy-er, any ideas please post. I kept getting mistaken for porn site with a similar name. I can’t truthfully be the grey hair granny anymore either because yesterday I brought a hair dye and not even a Daniel Field organic one. For most 2014 I embraced the honesty of grey hair, getting right into the crone image but in November I got sick, I got very low as the days dragged into weeks and I got weary of my  tiredness and I dyed my hair,  dying my hair might not have been the healthiest thing to do but it did give me a much needed boost. I am not throwing the baby out with the bath water though and apart from the grey hair my objectives are the same,  I love this quote ‘Make Laughter your Chocolate’. I can get real intense about ideals I have, like reducing plastic and paper consumption, sourcing local free range organic, being self sufficient. 2015 I will still be embracing my values and I will be laughing at myself and hopefully with others as we all do life together. Hubby says he has seen passion and drive and a lot of laughter so I don’t want to get all caught up with feelings of falling short if I am not perfect in all endeavours. I believe when we fall Gods hands pick us up. G.D. says he likes total idealistic drive, G.D. under that soft jelly baby exterior is really a bit of a radical you know. As with  illnesses they can be great teachers sometimes and being so wiped out  for a few weeks I have had to witness life rather than  do or get through. So slow into 2015, I am  looking forward to restocking my chickens  and building some deep beds come spring, I would love a cold frame for my birthday and a wheelbarrow would be very cool. Just thinking out loud, it is more important to laugh deep than be perfect, to be honest than a people pleaser and to dance than to fear judgement.
